What I noticed was that the negative voice in my head doesn’t attack all the time. It’s situationally specific. Or maybe I’m better at dealing with it in certain situations and not as good in other cases. 

When I’m teaching water aerobics, the voice tells me my classes are boring or no one will come. But I show up and give my best.  Because it’s my job, I show up. 

When it comes to doing things for myself where I have options, I don’t always show up for myself. Like just going to an exercise class. Then I need to create anchors to ensure I’ll go. For example, committing to meeting a friend at the class. Or pre-paying for the class. 

Sometimes I want to do things but the voice cajoles me into staying home— it comes out in laziness or procrastination. The real enemy is fear and that’s what kicks in my negative voice. 

Here’s what to do when that happens.

Visualize an old troll on one shoulder and your best self on the other shoulder. Do you listen to your best self or the old troll? 

Pay attention this week and see what happens. Whenever that voice pops up, and it’s that old troll directing you out of fear, turn and listen to your best self, your future self, and make your decision from her perspective. Add loving kindness, and move into action. 

Take note of any shifts. 

