Now It’s YOUR Turn

Springboard to Your Next Chapter and Transform Your Life with Clarity and Confidence

After years of caring for everyone else’s needs and desires, the spotlight finally turns to you, Mom. What do you want to do with this next chapter of your life? Springboard to Your Next Chapter is for women like you: someone ready to start your next chapter but unsure where to focus your energy right now. By the end of this 10-week program, you will have more clarity on your purpose and life calling, increased self-confidence, and a better understanding of how you will serve moving forward.

Springboard to Your Next Chapter

Springboard to Your Next Chapter is the solution you need to move your life forward with clarity.


This course is for you if you’ve:


Always had a plan in the past, but now you realize you don’t know your next steps.


Been focusing on everyone else in your family, and now realize it’s your time.


Decided to shift your thinking to create new opportunities for you.


Found the time to do something for YOU, you just aren’t sure exactly where to focus your energy.

After completing Springboard to Your Next Chapter, you will:

Have clarity on your core values:

You will understand your core values deeply, enabling you to make decisions aligned with your desires and aspirations.

Learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs:

The program provides tools to identify and control your negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that hinder your growth and progress.

Step up your self-confidence:

Through proven methods, your self-confidence will get a boost, empowering you to take decisive steps towards your goals with conviction.

Harness your strengths:

You will uncover your hidden strengths through storytelling techniques so you can leverage these strengths to achieve your objectives effectively.

Connection with Future Self:

The program guides you in connecting with your future self, helping you visualize and align your present actions with your desired outcomes.

Develop your manifestation skills:

You will learn practical strategies for manifesting your desires and turning aspirations into reality through focused action and intention.

Energy Management:

The program emphasizes energy management techniques to maintain motivation, focus, and resilience throughout the journey toward personal growth and transformation.

Community Support:

You will benefit from a supportive community environment where you can share experiences, receive feedback, and gain insights from like-minded individuals on similar journeys.

Accountability and Support:

You will receive personalized feedback, support, and accountability to stay on track toward your goals through weekly group coaching sessions, Q&A calls, and focus sessions.

Renewed Commitment:

By completing the program, you will renew your commitment to self-improvement and be equipped with the skills, mindset, and tools necessary to navigate your next chapter in life with momentum and confidence.

These benefits collectively empower you to step into your new phase of life with clarity, confidence, and a sense of purpose.

“I adopted Alicia’s method to tame my negative head talk, and now I show up more confident, resilient, and powerful in all my meetings.”

Noreen, Entrepreneur

“This method is so positive and easy for me to use, and it’s changed my life.”

Jennifer, Stay-at-home mom

“Amazingly, I have gotten profound results from this simple process.”

Krista, Entrepreneur

Get your results with Springboard to Your Next Chapter so you can step into your new phase of life with momentum, confidence, and skills to stand out from the crowd.

Because of its hands-on intensity, Springboard to Your Next Chapter is limited to a small group. To ensure this is a good fit for you and you’ll thrive in this group, your next step is a 15-minute conversation with me. We will discuss where you are now, what you want to achieve, and how this group will complement your desires. I want to ensure the Springboard group program is right for you. Click the link below to find a time to connect.

“I went from unsure how to proceed with my life to having a focused plan to achieve my goals.”

Jennifer T.

“After following Alicia’s process for several weeks, I landed my dream job.”


Springboard to Your Next Chapter offers you a:

  • Clear focus on your core values so you can make decisions that fit your heart and mind.
  • Method to develop your strengths list through the power of story.
  • Proven system to help you achieve your goals.
  • Process to connect with your future self to stay aligned with your specific desires.
  • Reason to get out of bed every day because you have a plan, goal, and methodology for achieving your desired outcome.
  • Repeatable system you can use over and over to achieve your goals.
  • Renewed commitment to yourself
  • Framework to build your confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.
  • Practices to help you manifest your desires.
  • Community support that cares about you and your desires.

“The changes in my life have been stunning (and I had a pretty good life to begin with) but what is more important is that I am really happy with my life. Really happy. No more longing for something, no more dreading old age, no more beating myself up (well…sometimes, but I overcome that more easily now). I am really happy where I am in my life and where I see myself going. And, guess what? The happier I am, the happier my husband is too and our marriage is stronger than ever. All thanks to you.

Pat Olsen

What you get

  • Weekly Group Coaching through Zoom calls (Tuesday mornings)
  • Weekly Group Q & A calls (Thursday mornings)
  • Focus sessions to work on your specific needs/desires
  • Personal Feedback along the way
  • Community input to help you see yourself as others see you to take your personal development to the next level.

How the program breaks down

Module One:

Mindset to Create Your Future

Module Two:

Core Values For Better Decision-Making

Module THREE:

Uncover Your Hidden Strengths

Module Four:

Connect with Your Future Self

Module Five:

Create Your Vision/Set Your Goal/Desire

Module Six:

From Desire to Reality: Overview of Manifesting by Design

Module Seven:

Energy Management and Limiting Beliefs

Module Eight:

Saboteurs: Internal and External

Module Nine:

Inspired Actions: Rituals, Habits, Systems

Module Ten:

Gratitude And Next Steps

The program calls are on Tuesdays at 11 a.m.

Q&A and Focus Sessions are on Thursdays at 11 a.m. Pacific time.

Plus, get this special bonus:

As a special bonus, you will receive the Steps to Your Best Life once you enroll. This six-part video program will infuse you with the motivation to bounce out of bed every morning to live your best life.

This bonus program includes:

  • The Easy way to Add Meditation to your day
  • How Intermittent Fasting Can Change Your Life
  • Why Should I Cold Plunge?
  • Planning for Success: The Weekly Planning Guide
  • Your Best Day Ever: Create your ideal day in your mind, then live it in your body

But wait, there’s more!

In Springboard to Your Next Chapter, you will:

  • Get help with energy management to help you manifest your desires.
  • Learn to write effective gratitude statements— most are missing one key element that will exponentially power your statements.
  • Uncover what gets in the way of most people achieving their goals and how to avoid that.
  • Recognize signs and signals from the universe that you are on the right track.
  • Receive the accountability and support to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.


Hi! I’m Alicia, the creator of Springboard to Your Next Chapter. Since 2012, I have coached women to achieve their goals through live workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area. I LOVE working with women like you to help you overcome your limiting beliefs so that you can create the life you truly desire.

Springboard to Your Next Chapter is the culmination of twelve years of working with clients. It brings the best of goal setting, accountability, and manifesting together in one place. 

From an early age, I suffered from a lack of clarity and confidence. By directly addressing these issues, I found strategies that improved my life. I want to share these with you so you can live your best life. 

When my children were young, I realized I didn’t want them to suffer from the same inner critic that kept me from making the choices I wanted out of fear of failure or not being good enough. I wanted to end the negative ancestral patterns of insecurity and harsh inner critic so my kids would live different lives. 

You’ll love how you blossom during the program. It’s exciting to witness as a coach, and I want that for you.

“I felt completely nourished after we did the Strength Stories. I gave fully to others, and I was nourished in return.”

Jamie, Improv Artist

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program?
This is a 10-week program.
Will I get on-going support?

If you have questions or need something particular after the program, you can text me, and I will see how we can work together. Some clients continue past the ten weeks because they enjoy the support and accountability.

How do I know if this is right for me?

I am not for everyone, that’s for sure! I tend to call it like I see it. I don’t play around. If you’re not doing the work, you won’t get the results, and I will call you out. This isn’t the place where everyone gets a prize just for showing up. You’ve got to play full-out.

If you can handle direct feedback, you will learn and grow, achieve your goals quicker, and become the best possible version of yourself.

Is this course very woo-woo New Agey?

I am far from woo-woo. I am very business-focused and goal-oriented. That said, I also harness the power of manifesting, energy management, and tarot cards. If you’re uncomfortable with that, this is probably not the place for you. I was born under the sign of Aquarius in the Age of Aquarius, but I still shave my armpits.

Will the classes be recorded?

It is 100% best to show up live and be ready to play full out. You can’t play water polo on a Zoom call. AND– I understand that schedules can take on their own life. The sessions will be recorded.

Now It’s YOUR Turn

Springboard to Your Next Chapter and Transform Your Life with Clarity and Confidence

After years of caring for everyone else’s needs and desires, the spotlight finally turns to you, Mom. What do you want to do with this next chapter of your life? Springboard to Your Next Chapter is for women like you: someone ready to start your next chapter but unsure where to focus your energy right now. By the end of this 10-week program, you will have more clarity on your purpose and life calling, increased self-confidence, and a better understanding of how you will serve moving forward.

Springboard to Your Next Chapter

Springboard to Your Next Chapter is the solution you need to move your life forward with clarity.


This course is for you if you’ve:


Always had a plan in the past, but now you realize you don’t know your next steps.


Been focusing on everyone else in your family, and now realize it’s your time.


Decided to shift your thinking to create new opportunities for you.


Found the time to do something for YOU, you just aren’t sure exactly where to focus your energy.

After completing Springboard to Your Next Chapter, you will:

Have clarity on your core values:

You will understand your core values deeply, enabling you to make decisions aligned with your desires and aspirations.

Learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs:

The program provides tools to identify and control your negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that hinder your growth and progress.

Step up your self-confidence:

Through proven methods, your self-confidence will get a boost, empowering you to take decisive steps towards your goals with conviction.

Harness your strengths:

You will uncover your hidden strengths through storytelling techniques so you can leverage these strengths to achieve your objectives effectively.

Connection with Future Self:

The program guides you in connecting with your future self, helping you visualize and align your present actions with your desired outcomes.

Develop your manifestation skills:

You will learn practical strategies for manifesting your desires and turning aspirations into reality through focused action and intention.

Energy Management:

The program emphasizes energy management techniques to maintain motivation, focus, and resilience throughout the journey toward personal growth and transformation.

Community Support:

You will benefit from a supportive community environment where you can share experiences, receive feedback, and gain insights from like-minded individuals on similar journeys.

Accountability and Support:

You will receive personalized feedback, support, and accountability to stay on track toward your goals through weekly group coaching sessions, Q&A calls, and focus sessions.

Renewed Commitment:

By completing the program, you will renew your commitment to self-improvement and be equipped with the skills, mindset, and tools necessary to navigate your next chapter in life with momentum and confidence.

These benefits collectively empower you to step into your new phase of life with clarity, confidence, and a sense of purpose.

“I adopted Alicia’s method to tame my negative head talk, and now I show up more confident, resilient, and powerful in all my meetings.”

Noreen, Entrepreneur

“This method is so positive and easy for me to use, and it’s changed my life.”

Jennifer, Stay-at-home mom

“Amazingly, I have gotten profound results from this simple process.”

Krista, Entrepreneur

Get your results with Springboard to Your Next Chapter so you can step into your new phase of life with momentum, confidence, and skills to stand out from the crowd.

Because of its hands-on intensity, Springboard to Your Next Chapter is limited to a small group. To ensure this is a good fit for you and you’ll thrive in this group, your next step is a 15-minute conversation with me. We will discuss where you are now, what you want to achieve, and how this group will complement your desires. I want to ensure the Springboard group program is right for you. Click the link below to find a time to connect.

“I went from unsure how to proceed with my life to having a focused plan to achieve my goals.”

Jennifer T.

“After following Alicia’s process for several weeks, I landed my dream job.”


Springboard to Your Next Chapter offers you a:

  • Clear focus on your core values so you can make decisions that fit your heart and mind.
  • Method to develop your strengths list through the power of story.
  • Proven system to help you achieve your goals.
  • Process to connect with your future self to stay aligned with your specific desires.
  • Reason to get out of bed every day because you have a plan, goal, and methodology for achieving your desired outcome.
  • Repeatable system you can use over and over to achieve your goals.
  • Renewed commitment to yourself
  • Framework to build your confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.
  • Practices to help you manifest your desires.
  • Community support that cares about you and your desires.

“The changes in my life have been stunning (and I had a pretty good life to begin with) but what is more important is that I am really happy with my life. Really happy. No more longing for something, no more dreading old age, no more beating myself up (well…sometimes, but I overcome that more easily now). I am really happy where I am in my life and where I see myself going. And, guess what? The happier I am, the happier my husband is too and our marriage is stronger than ever. All thanks to you.

Pat Olsen

What you get

  • Weekly Group Coaching through Zoom calls (Tuesday mornings)
  • Weekly Group Q & A calls (Thursday mornings)
  • Focus sessions to work on your specific needs/desires
  • Personal Feedback along the way
  • Community input to help you see yourself as others see you to take your personal development to the next level.

How the program breaks down

Module One:

Mindset to Create Your Future

Module Two:

Core Values For Better Decision-Making

Module THREE:

Uncover Your Hidden Strengths

Module Four:

Connect with Your Future Self

Module Five:

Create Your Vision/Set Your Goal/Desire

Module Six:

From Desire to Reality: Overview of Manifesting by Design

Module Seven:

Energy Management and Limiting Beliefs

Module Eight:

Saboteurs: Internal and External

Module Nine:

Inspired Actions: Rituals, Habits, Systems

Module Ten:

Gratitude And Next Steps

The program calls are on Tuesdays at 11 a.m.

Q&A and Focus Sessions are on Thursdays at 11 a.m. Pacific time.

Plus, get this special bonus:

As a special bonus, you will receive the Steps to Your Best Life once you enroll. This six-part video program will infuse you with the motivation to bounce out of bed every morning to live your best life.

This bonus program includes:

  • The Easy way to Add Meditation to your day
  • How Intermittent Fasting Can Change Your Life
  • Why Should I Cold Plunge?
  • Planning for Success: The Weekly Planning Guide
  • Your Best Day Ever: Create your ideal day in your mind, then live it in your body

But wait, there’s more!

In Springboard to Your Next Chapter, you will:

  • Get help with energy management to help you manifest your desires.
  • Learn to write effective gratitude statements— most are missing one key element that will exponentially power your statements.
  • Uncover what gets in the way of most people achieving their goals and how to avoid that.
  • Recognize signs and signals from the universe that you are on the right track.
  • Receive the accountability and support to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.


Hi! I’m Alicia, the creator of Springboard to Your Next Chapter. Since 2012, I have coached women to achieve their goals through live workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area. I LOVE working with women like you to help you overcome your limiting beliefs so that you can create the life you truly desire.

Springboard to Your Next Chapter is the culmination of twelve years of working with clients. It brings the best of goal setting, accountability, and manifesting together in one place. 

From an early age, I suffered from a lack of clarity and confidence. By directly addressing these issues, I found strategies that improved my life. I want to share these with you so you can live your best life. 

When my children were young, I realized I didn’t want them to suffer from the same inner critic that kept me from making the choices I wanted out of fear of failure or not being good enough. I wanted to end the negative ancestral patterns of insecurity and harsh inner critic so my kids would live different lives. 

You’ll love how you blossom during the program. It’s exciting to witness as a coach, and I want that for you.

“I felt completely nourished after we did the Strength Stories. I gave fully to others, and I was nourished in return.”

Jamie, Improv Artist

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program?
This is a 10-week program.
Will I get on-going support?

If you have questions or need something particular after the program, you can text me, and I will see how we can work together. Some clients continue past the ten weeks because they enjoy the support and accountability.

How do I know if this is right for me?

I am not for everyone, that’s for sure! I tend to call it like I see it. I don’t play around. If you’re not doing the work, you won’t get the results, and I will call you out. This isn’t the place where everyone gets a prize just for showing up. You’ve got to play full-out.

If you can handle direct feedback, you will learn and grow, achieve your goals quicker, and become the best possible version of yourself.

Is this course very woo-woo New Agey?

I am far from woo-woo. I am very business-focused and goal-oriented. That said, I also harness the power of manifesting, energy management, and tarot cards. If you’re uncomfortable with that, this is probably not the place for you. I was born under the sign of Aquarius in the Age of Aquarius, but I still shave my armpits.

Will the classes be recorded?

It is 100% best to show up live and be ready to play full out. You can’t play water polo on a Zoom call. AND– I understand that schedules can take on their own life. The sessions will be recorded.