(And It’s Not What You Think!)

Is it a little-known secret? Or do people just not realize…

The best way to get what you want is to GIVE IT. 

OK. Let’s look at this. What is it that you want? More love? More affection? More attention? 

Are you sitting around WISHING you had that? Dreaming about it? And nothing is happening? 

Here’s the big news: to get what you want, you need these two things:

  1. You have to KNOW what you want.
  2. You have to GIVE exactly what you want.

Seems unbelievable, doesn’t it? But what if this simple shift in perspective could be the key to unlocking your desires and TRANSFORMING YOUR RELATIONSHIPS? Let’s explore it. 

Say you want to feel appreciated by your kids, who treat you as invisible at best and an annoyance at worst. Instead of griping to your friend or partner, what if you started to appreciate your kids? Make them feel seen and heard. For example, welcome them warmly when they come home. Notice something about them where they’ve made an effort. If they come in with a friend, greet the friend. 

If you want more attention from your spouse, take the initiative and give what you want to receive. For example, maybe you wish he would rub your feet. Start by rubbing his feet, and then you can change. 

If you wish you had a better social life, initiate some activities. Find a place that offers dancing and organize a group to go or plan a movie night out with friends. Or, start a card club and meet with a regular group to play cards like Canasta or Hearts. 

Need more physical activity in your life? Take a water aerobics class! (You KNEW I would say that!!!) Plan a hike with a friend or explore a new park. 

Whatever you desire, take the reins and initiate the activity! Sitting, wishing, hoping, and dreaming aren’t going to get you what you want. Success comes in action. 

As Mahatma Gandhi may have said, Be the Change you want to see in the world. (Otherwise, it was Arleen Lorrance.)

You may think manifesting involves visualizing what you desire and focusing your attention on it. If that’s the case, I have BIG news: It’s NOT in the visualizing. It’s in the actions you take to bring the desire into reality. 

So shift into gear and make all your dreams come true! It’s all up to you. 

If you want your life to be different, do things differently.



PS: If you are in a transition period and wondering what your next steps in life might be, keep reading because I have a special program starting July 2. This will be a 4-week online program that builds your foundational trifecta of core values, strengths, and vision for your future. You will leave this program with a clear understanding of what you bring to the world. There will be a bonus week to dive into integrating all you learn into your roadmap for your next steps. 

If this sounds of interest to you, sign up right away as the space is limited because of the intimate nature of the group. The price is $795 and runs 4-Tuesdays in July@ Noon Pacific time. The bonus class is the last Tuesday in July at noon as well. Here’s the link to sign up:

Summer Foundation

If you have any questions, just book a call and we can connect!